Building a Strong Online Presence For Your Startup

By Annie Schiffmann of Downstage Media

Your startup is ready to take off (or it’s launched?) but without a solid online presence, you’re invisible to your potential customers. Building a strong online presence isn’t just about being online; it’s about being effective, consistent, and strategic. Let’s walk through how to lay the groundwork, automate key aspects, and create ongoing content that keeps your audience engaged.

social media for startups

The Digital Landscape Can Be … a Lot

You’ve got a million things to juggle, and now you’re told you need to build a strong online presence. But where do you start? The problem with most businesses is that they jump into the deep end—social media, email marketing, content creation—without first setting the foundation. It’s like trying to build a house without laying the groundwork.

Let’s start from the beginning and guide you through a three-phase plan to build a robust online presence.

Don’t Make the Mistake of Skipping Steps

Starting with social media or random marketing tactics without a clear strategy is a recipe for burnout. Without a solid foundation, your efforts won’t stick, and you’ll end up spinning your wheels without making any real progress. You need to start with the basics, automate what you can, and then focus on creating ongoing content.

Three Stages to Building Your Online Presence

1. Foundational: Lay the Groundwork for a Solid Online Presence

The first step in building a strong online presence for your startup is getting clear on what you and your team are going to say when you talk about your brand. You’ve got to understand the words that you’re going to use, and be consistent with them. It’s best to outline these for your brand, then each division of your company, then each individual offering.

Here’s what you need:

  • Brand Messaging: Create a clear, compelling message that resonates with your target audience. This is your foundation.
  • One-Liner: Develop a one-liner that piques curiosity and draws people in.
  • Brand Playbook: Document your brand’s voice, tone, and messaging guidelines to ensure consistency across all channels.

Without a strong foundation, your online presence will crumble. Start with a clear brand message, a one-liner that draws people in, and a brand playbook that everyone on your team can access to keep it all consistent.

2. Automated: Set It and Forget It (Well, Almost)

Once your foundation is solid, it’s time to set up systems that work for you, so you can focus on other stuff. I spoke about this in the chapters I wrote for The Content Entrepreneur about email marketing and automation. This phase is all about creating automation that keeps your brand active without requiring constant attention:

  • Website: Your website is your digital storefront. It needs to be clear what you offer, how it will make your customers’ lives better, and how they can get it. And it has to do that in seconds.
  • Lead Generator: Offer a lead magnet, like a free resource or guide, to capture email addresses and build your email list.
  • Email Sales Sequence: Automate your sales funnel with an email sequence that nurtures leads and guides them toward making a purchase.

3. Ongoing Content: Engage Your Audience Consistently

Finally, it’s time to focus on creating ongoing content that keeps your audience engaged. They may not be ready to buy right away, but they may be willing to pay attention. Then, when they are ready to buy, yours will be one of the first brands they think of.  But remember ongoing content, should only come after your foundation is laid and automation is in place. Here’s where your ongoing efforts go:

  • Social Media: Maintain a consistent presence on the social media platforms that matter most to your audience. Use content marketing to drive engagement. I wrote about the PAGER method I created that we use with our clients at Downstage Media in my book Simple Social Media.
  • Nurture Emails: Send regular emails that provide value, nurture your audience, and keep your brand top of mind.
  • Proposals & Sales Process: Develop proposals and a sales process that align with your brand message and make it easy for potential customers to say yes. None of this works if you don’t have revenue coming in.

Picture This…

build online presence for startups

Imagine a year from now: Your startup has a solid online presence, your brand is recognized in your niche, and your marketing efforts are paying off. You’re not scrambling to keep up; you’re strategically growing your business with a strong online presence that works for you. 


  1. Foundation is Everything
  2. Automation is Key
  3. Keep the Conversation Going

A strong online presence requires a strategic approach, starting with a solid foundation, followed by automation, and capped with consistent, engaging content. The transformation isn’t instant, but when done right, your online presence becomes the engine driving your startup’s growth.

Want to  see which elements you need to work on first? Schedule a call today! And in the meantime, take the StoryBrand Marketing Assessment to see where you fit in with this 3 stage plan.


  • What if I’m just starting out?
    • No worries! Start with the basics and build a strong foundation.
  • How do I know which social media platforms are right for me?
    • We’ll help you identify where your audience is most active.
  • Can I automate everything?
    • While not everything can be automated, we’ll set up systems to handle the heavy lifting so you can focus on what you do best.

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