About Us

We are Nevada’s Only Statewide Business Incubator

StartUpNV, a 501(c)3 nonprofit, engages new and experienced entrepreneurs from a wide variety of industries and business sectors. We offer an opportunity to go from idea through beta testing to a revenue-producing business with the appropriate capitalization for growth.
Our work spaces in Las Vegas and Reno are inspiring and connect to SBDC facilities throughout Nevada’s eight rural areas. Our mentors are experienced and successful, with well-connected networks; and, most importantly, they are accessible. Our business and capital partners count on StartUpNV to create a strong and growing pipeline of entrepreneurial founders and new companies in Nevada. Our communities count on us to cultivate new ideas and generate self-sustaining and diversified local economies, grow businesses and jobs, and attract and retain the best and brightest here in our state of Nevada.

Ultimately, we rely on our member companies’ success to “pay it forward” and remain viable. Member companies in our incubation program pay a small monthly fee and, upon a successful exit, pledge to donate 1% of their equity to our non-profit foundation. With enough successful exits, we hope to eliminate all fees and requests for charitable donations.

For companies that don’t want full time incubation, we offer an annual free boot-camp (Sep thru Dec), AngelNV, where founder entrepreneurs learn how to go to market, create compelling pitch decks, raise capital – and at the conclusion, apply for a $400k investment from a group of angels.

startupnv business incubator nevada


StartUpNV Board Members & Team

Our Entrepreneurial Community


Our members represent a wide range of business categories and sectors. There are no constraints here. We want to talk with entrepreneurs and founders with great ideas, an initial plan, and the desire and commitment to make it happen.

Pitch to StartUpNV


We are a 501(c)3 non-profit and our low member fees cover a small part of our costs. We depend on donations to support our mission. Please click to donate directly or to find out how you can donate via your regular Amazon purchases.


Frequently Asked Questions

A Business Incubator nurtures entrepreneurs and development of their companies in the earliest stages – as early as idea or plan, or initial commercialization of the product or service.

Survival rates are very low beyond the first few years for new businesses; but companies that have been through a good incubator have double the success rate.

Footnote: though the main company still needs to be a US registered one..

Footnote: though the main company still needs to be a US registered one..

Incubators themselves are a blend of human resources – people who coach, mentor, critique, troubleshoot, instruct and advise, support infrastructure – physical and digital infrastructures, access to professional “outsourced” services – legal and accounting, access to the business community at large – partners, and sometimes capital
2012 statistics from the International Business Innovation Association indicate over 1,200 in the U.S. and approximately 7,000 world-wide.
Most Incubators in the US (over 90%) operate as non-profit corporations. StartUpNV is a Nevada non-profit.

No. A co-working space is an office or other type of commercial space that is shared by people who are self-employed or working for different employers. Sharing space and equipment helps people keep their costs low, and also allows them to work in an environment with others who have similar mindsets. Although co-working spaces usually have scheduled events and other organized activities, no member is required to attend, and there is no curriculum or access the instructive features of an Incubator.

There is another format called a Business Accelerator that is also quite popular. Accelerators are for later-stage businesses – usually ones that already have a product/service and some market traction – and are usually operated as for-profits, and funded by investment funds. And whereas Incubators do not usually have set time-frames for “graduation”, most Accelerators do.
Not directly. By joining an Incubator, a start-up/ entrepreneur may receive quicker and more direct access to funding sources – banks, angel investors, and institutional funds – than going it alone. This is due to the profile of the managers and board members of the Incubator who themselves are typically well-connected in the business environment, and because Incubators often host presentation/pitch events that attract investors as the audience.
The only way to find out is to apply. But generally, an entrepreneur should have good knowledge of the market or type of business being contemplated; should have some experience in that market or technology; be skilled in developing the product or service being contemplated; have most or all of a plan or already have a minimally required embodiment of the product or service; and of course, all entrepreneurs must have significant energy, desire, and fortitude.
Most incubators charge a monthly fee for membership and require an immediate 6-9% equity commitment. Some incubators include co-working or office space in their fees. The prices and equity commitments vary based on location and extent of services provided. At StartUpNV, our fees are $100/mo for the incubation program. Co-working space rental is additional. We also ask founders to pledge 1% of the company’s equity to our non-profit foundation at the time of an exit. This is our long term funding strategy — to succeed along-side our member companies. The 1% amount is dilutable at the same rate and on the same terms as founder equity. Our goal over time is, with enough successful exits, to eliminate all fees and provide “starter” capital for every company admitted to the program.
Time-frames vary depending on a number of factors. A start-up that already has a product/service built, or already has an initial “beta” customer base, may need 6 months or less; but a fresh-start effort may need 18 to 24 months.
One of the great things about business is it is always changing. So one is never able to know for sure what kinds of businesses will blossom from or in an Incubator. All Incubators have practical limitations as to the kinds of businesses that can be helped via the Incubator format. These limitations are mostly due to the areas of expertise represented by the staff (volunteers and employees) and the facilities themselves. StartUpNV is interested in being agnostic as to business categories and sectors; but we are always honest with entrepreneurs as to whether or not we believe StartUpNV can be helpful. As with anything in business, if two parties see a good fit, it is usually worthwhile to work together.
As with the Incubator process itself, an entrepreneur should be always be striving to be as far along as possible in every aspect of creating a business. In entrepreneurship, one’s work is never done. So, first of all, make sure that the type of business or product/service is something the entrepreneur is truly passionate about. Otherwise, all the work required will seem like, well, like work. Try to establish a solid plan – a business plan that is formally written out, or a way to convey that plan verbally in a presentation. And if the product or service is already developed to the point of being demonstrable, great. Practice pitching the business to others, and learn to take critique and incorporate suggestions for the next time. Be determined and politely aggressive. And always keep learning.
Do you have the next big idea? A Startup business… a dream?

Learn about our programs for founders