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venture capital term sheets 101

Venture Capital Term Sheets 101: Important Terms for Investors

venture capital term sheets 101

As an entrepreneur navigating the complex landscape of startup funding, encountering a term sheet is a significant milestone on the journey to securing venture capital investment. Term sheets serve as the blueprint for the terms and conditions of investment deals, outlining crucial details that shape the future relationship between investors and founders.

Understanding these documents is important for entrepreneurs, as they signify the height of rigorous negotiations and mark the beginning of a partnership that can profoundly influence the trajectory of a startup. In this blog post, we delve into the intricacies of venture capital term sheets, decoding common themes and key terms that every entrepreneur should understand. By familiarizing yourself with these essential components, you can approach investment discussions with confidence and strategy, ensuring that you’re well-prepared to seize opportunities and navigate the complexities of startup financing.

What is a term sheet?

A term sheet is a foundational document that outlines the key terms and conditions of a proposed investment deal between entrepreneurs and investors. Think of it as a preliminary agreement that serves as the basis for further negotiation and due diligence. While not legally binding in itself, a term sheet outlines the framework upon which the final investment agreement will be built. It covers a wide range of aspects, including valuation, investment amount, ownership stakes, governance rights, and potential exit strategies.

Essentially, the term sheet acts as a roadmap for both parties, guiding them through the complexities of structuring a mutually beneficial investment arrangement. Understanding the nuances of a term sheet is crucial for entrepreneurs, as it lays the groundwork for the partnership and sets the tone for future interactions with investors.


Key Ideas Found in Term Sheets


There are many ideas usually outlined in term sheets. Each term sheet is different and personalized for each individual investment. We’ve outlined the most common and need-to-know terms that will have your company flying through term sheets in no time. 

term sheet terms and vocab

Pre- and Post-money Valuation:

Before diving into the specifics of a term sheet, it’s essential to understand the concepts of pre-money and post-money valuation. Pre-money valuation refers to the value of a company before any investment is made, while post-money valuation includes the investment amount added to the pre-money valuation. Investors typically use these figures to determine their ownership stake in the company. As a startup founder, you should consider pre and post-money valuation because they directly impact the dilution of your ownership stake and the overall attractiveness of the investment deal.

Warrants & Dividends:

Warrants and dividends are additional components that investors may include in a term sheet to sweeten the deal or provide additional incentives. Warrants grant investors the option to purchase additional shares at a predetermined price within a specified timeframe, allowing them to capitalize on future growth. Dividends, on the other hand, entitle investors to a portion of the company’s profits. While warrants and dividends can enhance the attractiveness of an investment for investors, founders should carefully consider their implications on ownership dilution and future financial obligations.

Liquidation Preferences:

Liquidation preferences outline the order in which proceeds from a company’s sale or liquidation are distributed among shareholders. Investors often negotiate for preferences that prioritize the return of their investment capital before other shareholders receive payouts. While liquidation preferences provide downside protection for investors, founders should be mindful of their potential impact on the distribution of exit proceeds and the alignment of incentives between shareholders.

Option Pool:

An option pool is a reserve of shares set aside for future employee stock options and equity incentives. Investors may insist on the creation of an option pool as part of the investment terms to ensure that the company has adequate resources to attract and retain top talent. While option pools are essential for employee incentivization and talent acquisition, founders should carefully consider the size and allocation of the pool to avoid excessive dilution of existing shareholders.

Dilution & Anti-Dilution:

Dilution occurs when the issuance of new shares reduces the ownership percentage of existing shareholders. Investors may seek anti-dilution provisions in the term sheet to protect their ownership stake in the event of future equity financing rounds at lower valuations. While anti-dilution clauses safeguard investor interests, founders should be aware of their potential impact on the company’s flexibility in raising additional capital and the dilution of founder equity.

Addition of Board Members:

Investors often negotiate for the right to appoint board members or observers as a means of exerting influence and oversight on company operations. While having investor representation on the board can provide valuable expertise and strategic guidance, founders should carefully consider the implications for decision-making autonomy and corporate governance.

Investors include these key terms in term sheets to safeguard their investment, maximize returns, and align incentives with founders. As a startup founder, understanding these terms is crucial for negotiating favorable terms, preserving equity ownership, and ensuring the long-term success of your venture. By familiarizing yourself with these concepts, you can approach investment discussions with confidence and strategic insight, effectively positioning your startup for growth and success.


Benefits To Having a Term Sheet 


Securing a term sheet marks a significant milestone in the journey of raising venture capital for your startup. While negotiating and finalizing the terms of a term sheet can be an intense process, the benefits it offers to both entrepreneurs and investors are substantial. Here are several advantages of having a term sheet:

Clarity and Structure: A term sheet provides a clear framework for the terms and conditions of the investment deal, helping both parties understand their rights, obligations, and expectations. By outlining key provisions upfront, a term sheet establishes a structured approach to negotiations and facilitates smoother transactional processes.

Investor Commitment: Receiving a term sheet signals a strong commitment from investors to fund your startup. It demonstrates their confidence in your business model, team, and growth potential, paving the way for further due diligence and closing the investment round.

Time Efficiency: Negotiating and finalizing a term sheet streamlines the investment process by focusing discussions on critical terms and avoiding protracted negotiations on minor details. This efficiency saves time for both entrepreneurs and investors, enabling them to allocate resources more effectively to other aspects of their business operations.

Basis for Due Diligence: A term sheet serves as a foundation for conducting due diligence, allowing investors to assess the legal, financial, and operational aspects of your startup in greater detail. By providing a roadmap of the proposed transaction, a term sheet guides due diligence efforts and accelerates the overall investment timeline.

Investor Alignment: The negotiation of a term sheet provides an opportunity for entrepreneurs and investors to align their interests and expectations regarding the future direction of the company. By discussing key terms and strategic objectives upfront, both parties can ensure that their visions are aligned, fostering a stronger and more collaborative partnership.

Legal Protection: While not legally binding in itself, a term sheet can offer legal protection by documenting the preliminary agreement reached between the parties. It serves as evidence of the intent to enter into a formal investment agreement, mitigating the risk of misunderstandings or disputes during the later stages of the transaction.

Competitive Advantage: Securing a term sheet from reputable investors can enhance your startup’s credibility and appeal to other potential investors. It signals validation of your business model and differentiation in a competitive market, increasing your ability to attract additional funding and strategic partnerships.


Venture capital term sheets are indispensable tools that shape the dynamics of investment deals, offering clarity, structure, and alignment for both entrepreneurs and investors. Understanding the key terms and implications outlined in these documents is essential for startup founders to navigate the complexities of fundraising and secure favorable investment terms.

 As entrepreneurs embark on their journey to raise capital and grow their ventures, resources like StartUpNV provide invaluable support and guidance tailored to Nevada-based entrepreneurs and investors. By leveraging the expertise and resources available through, entrepreneurs can access a wealth of opportunities, mentorship, and networking connections to fuel their success in the vibrant startup ecosystem of Nevada. Other tools, like Investopedia or Y Combinator are great resources as well. 

Venture Capital Term Sheets 101: Important Terms for Investors Read More »

Nevada Certified Investor

StartUpNV Announces Three New Members on Board of Directors

LAS VEGAS (March 26, 2024) – StartUpNV, Nevada’s business accelerator and incubator for scalable startups, announced that three distinguished community and business leaders will join the nonprofit’s board of directors effective April 1. The new board members are Kacy Drury, Parker Werline, and Michael Sherwood.

Kacy Drury, currently senior vice president for customer experience and operations for Everi Holdings, brings to the board a 20-year career in gaming as well as experience on various community organizations, including serving as a commissioner on the Nevada Veterans’ Services Commission, a council advisor on Veteran’s Voices: Were Listening oral history program at the University of Nevada – Las Vegas (UNLV), a board member on the Women’s Research Institute of Nevada, and a board director on the Community Roots Foundation. She has a Bachelor of Arts in business administration from California State University, San Bernardino.

Parker Werline has nearly a decade of experience in the finance industry. Currently, he is the private equity assistance vice president at Fiume Capital, where he is responsible for critical components of the investment process including conducting due diligence, financial modeling, preparing investment memorandums and evaluating market and industry dynamics. Prior to moving to Las Vegas, Werline served as an investment banking associate for mergers and acquisitions at Morgan Stanley in New York City. He has a master’s degree in business administration (MBA) from the Yale School of Management and a Bachelor of Arts in economics from Vassar College.


Rounding out the trio of new board members is Michael Sherwood, the chief innovation and technology officer for the city of Las Vegas. Sherwood has more than 20 years of experience in the fields of process improvement, technology, and innovation. Prior to his tenure with the city of Las Vegas, he served as the deputy director of public safety, business services, and city technology for the city of Irvine, California. He received his Bachelor of Science in management from Pepperdine University and a Master of Science degree in executive management from the University of Southern California (USC). 


“The diverse background and experience that Kacy, Parker and Michael will bring to the board of directors is unparalleled,” said Jeff Saling, executive director of StartUpNV. “Additionally, they have demonstrated a staunch commitment to fostering Nevada’s startup ecosystem serving as mentors to entrepreneurs and angel investors involved with StartUpNV’s programs.”

About StartUpNV

StartUpNV is a 501(c)3 non-profit statewide accelerator and business incubator for scalable Nevada-based startups that provides expert mentorship and access to a network of capital partners. StartUpNV’s founders, mentors, university connections, investors, and business partners work together to grow and support a robust, inclusive startup ecosystem in Nevada. StartUpNV’s related venture funds, FundNV, AngelNV, and the new 1864 seed fund, provide startups access to local venture capital along with education for entrepreneurs and angel investors. Since inception in 2017, StartUpNV has heard pitches from more than 1,000 startups, held more than 250 education events, and seen nearly $80 million in venture capital raised for more than 55 companies. For information visit:


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how to find a startup mentor

How To Find A Startup Mentor

Whether you are a seasoned entrepreneur or creating your first startup, connecting with a mentor can be one of the most impactful parts of your journey. The potential behind a solid mentor relationship is boundless. They can open doors to opportunities you never thought possible, lead to new connections, and be an incredible support system. While I hope I’ve already convinced you that mentorship is important, you may still be asking yourself questions like: I’m pretty sure I know what I’m doing, do I really need a mentor? Or, maybe I do need a mentor, but where/how do I find one? 

how to find a startup mentor

Why are mentors so important? 

Let’s be honest: you probably aren’t an expert in everything. Having range, also known as being a generalist, is a common quality of entrepreneurs. But it also means that your knowledge of each topic is a little bit limited. Cue the mentors! Leave behind your pride and find a mentor who is a true expert in marketing, business models, or pricing. Hit up that IP attorney or leverage a VC veteran to provide deep industry insight. 

Someone who has “been there, done that” will provide immense value to your own process of building a company. By utilizing the help of a mentor with a specific skill set, you’ll be able to take a deep dive into the specific problem you need to solve. Entrepreneurs like to talk about innovation, but some forget that the key to innovation is utilizing diverse perspectives. Sitting down with an expert who can provide a unique perspective from their own years-long journey is priceless. They will fill in the gaps between what you already know and what you need to know. 

How do I find a startup mentor? 

There are many places to look, so here’s a quick guide: 

  1. Try your local network. Start here first and reach out to someone you know, whether they are friends, family, or acquaintances. Maybe your friend works in a marketing firm, and you know they have a legal department. Ask to get connected with their corporate attorney! Getting a warm introduction to someone is a lot easier than a cold one, and you may get hands-on experiences with a mentor you’re already familiar with. 
  2. IncubateNV through StartUpNV. Our online incubator is hosted on a comprehensive platform with a free curriculum that leads you through the basics of starting and scaling your business. To support that process, we have a community of mentors available to you, which can be narrowed by industry. Available for free, IncubateNV’s online platform is targeted towards Nevada-based entrepreneurs, but open to anyone. Join here today:
  3. IncubateVegas. This 5-week bootcamp runs twice a year for Las Vegas locals. You will be part of a small group, led by a mentor who will meet with you weekly to support your group through the program. Being hands-on means putting in work – and that’s what this bootcamp is meant to do, with a tight curriculum and strong support system. Learn more here:
  4. Online networking. While warm introductions yield higher results, there is still so much power in finding someone who fits the exact qualifications you’re looking for. Often used for job hunting or employee-finding, you can repurpose LinkedIn to scout for a mentor! It does help that mutual connections are visible, so perhaps use that to your advantage. Sort people by location, expertise, past jobs (someone who worked at the same company as you will be a good connection point), etc. 

How to set yourself up for success: 

  1. Identify your specific needs. Are you looking for general accountability, help around a specific subject matter, or some industry insight? Knowing the answer to this first will help you find the right mentor, and may even help you develop the right questions to ask once you get connected. 
  2. Cross reference your needs with a mentors’ expertise. If you’re able to, check out a mentors’ experience prior to reaching out to them. You can do this on the IncubateNV platform, where each mentor’s profile will display their expertise and bio. Maybe even search through their LinkedIn where you can review their previous jobs, industries, and interests. The main goal is to make an informed choice of which mentors you connect with. (Pro tip: Choosing a mentor with entrepreneurial experience can be especially helpful, as they’ll understand the unique circumstances of a startup founder.) 
  3. Think about your preferred mentoring style. Light communication may work for some while regularly scheduled meetings are better for others. It’s okay to have a one-time meeting, where you get the information you need and move on. Additionally, how hands-on do you want them in your mentoring sessions? Some mentors are willing to roll up their sleeves more than others, but what would be most beneficial to you? 
  4. Be diligent in your meetings. It’s up to you to lead the relationship. Make the first move, suggest a time and date, and be on time! “Come prepared with questions, asks, and successes,” says Christina Del Villar, a long-time startup mentor and marketing expert. Setting the expectation upfront is very important to developing a trusting relationship, and proves that you are serious about your startup.

How many meetings should I have? 

An effective mentoring relationship can be long term, or consist of just two meetings! Quality over quantity definitely applies here, and if you’re connecting on a specific topic, it’s not always necessary to have a prolonged meeting schedule.

If you’re going for a multiple meeting relationship, make sure to set yourself up well. We often suggest having an initial meeting as an intro, where you might clarify your needs, expectations, and background of yourself and the company. You may even bring up your preferred mentorship style. Coming to the meeting prepared with your tasks will show your mentor that you are serious. 

How to have a good relationship with your mentor: 

  1. Make sure you’re compatible! The mentor and mentee need to “click.” Irina Tsetsura, one of our product operation mentors, says that “both [people] should be excited about each other’s work, experience, and what you are working on.” Developing a positive relationship from the beginning will be rewarding and allow you to have more productive rapport with your mentor. 
  2. Follow-up and be reliable. Irina also stresses the importance of “respond[ing] and diligently follow[ing] through on the goals and commitments established during mentorship sessions” as a mentee. By doing the homework your mentor gave you, it proves that you value their time and will continue to uphold your end of things. The relationship works both ways: your mentor supports you, and you do the work. 
  3. Be a beginner. One of StartUpNV’s marketing mentors, Stephanie Jiroch, adds this about mentor relationships:

When it comes to building a good relationship with a new mentor, don’t be afraid to be a beginner. The reason you joined forces with a mentor is to gain access to resources and knowledge to support your growth and evolution – both in business and as an entrepreneur. Too often, I see entrepreneurs who are afraid of looking ‘dumb’ and do not ask the questions that will help them grow, launch, or scale. To get the most out of your mentor/mentee relationship, lean into the learning process, ask the questions, and be open to what could be done differently so that you can succeed.” 

  1. Don’t turn a conversation into a debate. Peter Ciulla, another StartUpNV mentor who specializes in hardware tech and cleantech, leaves founders with this nugget of information regarding successful conversations: 

“It’s important not to make a mentor session too much of a debate. Remember that they’re volunteers and they’ve developed expertise in a specific area. As an entrepreneur, it’s best to take note of their advice and input, process it offline, and then decide what is right for your specific business.” 

  1. Keep your mentor in the loop, even if you’re no longer meeting. It’s so rewarding to hear the positive outcomes of the work you put in together. Even a quick email letting your mentor know that you implemented their advice and it led to results, will make their day!

Should I pay for a mentor? 

While searching for mentors, you may find some who charge for their time. While some people may view that as a valuable investment, it’s not always feasible for founders on a lean budget. In my opinion, don’t pay for a mentor. There are plenty of qualified professionals who are willing to support founders for free out of their own desire to give back to the community, or who want to get/stay involved in the startup world. 

Regardless of whether you pay for a mentor or not, the value is in the support and time savings they can provide you. Make sure to keep tabs on whether you work well together, if you’re making progress on your goals, and that you’re being true to yourself in the process. These will be telling signs that you’re on the right track. 

StartUpNV always has free programs and free mentors, so start with us if you need a boost! Whether you choose a self paced program like IncubateNV, a year-long program such as FounderNV, or an IncubateVegas bootcamp, we will ensure that you have access to mentors that fit your needs to get you on your path to success. Visit our programs page to get started: 


Are you interested in being a mentor for StartUpNV? We are primarily in need of mentors for ideation and early stage startups. This may look like: 

  • Leading small groups of founders through a bootcamp 
  • Throwing a hands-on workshop in your area of expertise 
  • Being available for founders to reach out on our incubator platform 

If any of that sounds interesting, please submit a mentorship interest form today!

About the author, Audrey Randazzo: 

Mentor Audrey Randazzo startup las vegas 2

Audrey Randazzo earned her Bachelor’s degree in Anthropology with a minor in Art from the University of Nevada, Reno in May 2021. While in school, she had internships at the American Chemical Society for Community Management, the Nevada Small Business Development Center for Marketing, and held a long term position at the UNR Career Center where she utilized her unique blend of analytical thinking and creative problem-solving skills.

Over the past three years, Audrey has made significant contributions to StartupNV, where she started as an intern and quickly progressed to the role of Program Manager. In her current position as Mentor Manager, Audrey plays a pivotal role in the growth and success of the accelerator programs by sourcing experienced Mentors with skills across the board. She works closely with a diverse network of professionals, guiding and facilitating their engagement with aspiring entrepreneurs.

In addition to her work with the Accelerator Mentor Program, Audrey actively contributes to the development and enhancement of other vital programs within StartupNV. She has played a key role in shaping the vision and execution of Founder University Nevada, IncubateNV, and IncubateVegas. With strategic insights and collaborative approach, Audrey ensures these programs provide valuable resources, mentorship, and support to startup founders at various stages of their journey.

Outside of her professional pursuits, Audrey enjoys rock climbing, traveling, and visiting every coffee shop in Reno. She dislikes spending over $8 for an oat milk latte, but still supports the local ecosystem.

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how to become an angel investor

How To Succeed or Fail at Startup Investing

how to become an angel investor

How to be a Successful Startup Angel Investor

The best approaches to being a successful startup angel investor might not always be the most obvious ones, in fact it often starts with the ground rules and guidelines of angel investing. 

Over a 10 year period, successful pre-seed and seed stage angel investors make 3x to 5x on their cohort of investments which is about double the return of index fund public company investing. The rewards are the highest of all investment types, as are the risks, but the risks are manageable. 

There are 3 approaches to be a successful early stage investor – and one sure way to fail. 

Top 3 successful startup angel investing approaches 

  1. Passive investment through a trusted fund or syndicate

If you’re thinking that following the ground rules (noted below) is a ton of work, you’re right. Which is why the #1 approach is to invest in a fund or with a syndicate. In a fund or syndicate, the general partner(s) curate the deal flow, do the hard diligence work, and create “win-win” investable deals that can return the fund 3 to 5 times – or more. Funds consistently invest in 20-40 company cohorts over a 3 year period to mitigate risk and maximize returns. Syndicate investing on a deal by deal basis saves investors work, but on its own, does not mitigate risk across a large cohort in the same way a fund will. Many investors invest in a fund as a baseline and for deal flow, then add capital via syndicates to specific deals to spread risk and/or invest deeper in specific deals where they have more conviction.. 

  1. Active investment through an angel group

If you like the activity of finding companies, listening to pitches, asking questions, and engaging in the diligence process, an angel group may be more appealing. Angel groups share the workload among members, usually divided into committees like the selection, deal flow, due diligence, membership, etc. Some larger groups have paid interns and/or administrators to conduct the research required for screening companies and due diligence. Most angel groups have 2 or 3 options for members to invest in companies that apply to the group a.) direct investment, b.) group fund investment, and/or c.) through deal by deal special purpose vehicles (SPVs). It’s harder to follow all of the ground rules in an angel group, but most are covered – and members must maintain their own discipline around cohort size and investment time horizon. Still, angel groups have a good track record and have a social and networking component that the other approaches can lack. 

  1. Active “DIY” angel investment with self curated deal flow

If you’re the type of person who doesn’t like to rely on or trust others, then the DIY method is for you. It can prove difficult for a single angel investor to see enough deals to invest solely using this approach. Many fund and angel group investors use this method as a supplemental investing activity, bringing a few extra deals into their personal cohort each year – and spreading their risk. 

In addition, there are some best practices for successful early stage angel investing. 

Startup Angel Investing Best Practices and Ground Rules 

  1. Investment Thesis

Develop a thesis for investment size, opportunity types, and follow-on scenarios 

Successful investors are disciplined in the types of companies in which they invest, how much they invest in each company, and whether or not they will invest more than once in the same company. Your budget for investing will drive the amounts, with many angels investing between 2% and 10% of their net worth. As investors get older, investment percentages in this riskier asset class moves toward the lower end of the spectrum. With a large win, it can result in a “high class problem” of being over allocated. 

  1. Cohort size, Time horizon, and Valuation

Plan to invest in at least 20 companies; 30+ reduces risk and increases returns. The time horizon to deploy funds for a 20+ investment cohort should be 32 to 40 months. Each investment must be able to return at least 30:1, preferably 50:1 or better 

The Power Law: Venture Capital and the Making of the New Future by Sebastian Mallaby tells us that 1 to 3 companies in a fund or cohort of 20-30 companies will make most, if not all of the returns. Even with the best diligence, research and picking, 75% of the cohort will likely fail. Due to the high failure percentage, to make at least a 3x return on the cohort / fund it’s critical to have enough companies and to be sure each one can return at least 30x (including anticipated dilution). 

Let’s look at a typical cohort where 25% of the companies return money to the fund, with a 75% failure rate. For this simple example, our fund size is $1M, making 20 investments of $50k each. 

  • 3x Average Fund / Cohort #1: One company returns 50x, another returns 5x and two more return 3x each, the other companies fail. This fund returns $3M or 3x. 
  • 4x Very Good Fund / Cohort #2: One company returns 50x, another returns 30x and two more return 3x each, the rest go dark, the entire fund returns $4.3M or 4.3x
  • 5x Great Fund / Cohort #3: One company returns 75x, another returns 25x and two more return 1x each, the rest go dark, the entire fund returns $5.1M or 5x 

These examples illustrate why it’s critical that every company can make at least a 30x return. If investors compromise on this metric, it’s very hard to make returns commensurate with the risk. Some investors believe they can beat the Power Law – that they have a superior ability to “pick winners”. Proceed with eyes wide open, understand Power Law math – and you’ll do well. 

  1. Larger Numbers – Better Chances

See 100 companies for every investment made, 250+ is better. 

To get good at picking startups and founders, you need to see a lot of them. It’s just like any other skill – repetition and experience makes investors better. Successful funds and angel investor groups regularly see 100+ deals for each one in which they invest, often the ratio is upwards of 250:1. Joining with a group or fund that attracts high quality founders in large numbers will ensure better investing results. It’s not fun saying “no” so much, but it’s a critical skill to making the fund / cohort return 3x or more. 

Some very large early stage funds and accelerators take the large numbers rules to the extreme. Studies from Right Side Capital Management, 500 Startups, Y Combinator and others show that studious investors who follow the rules have a 75% chance of a 3x return when the cohort size is between 20 and 75 companies. As the cohort size increases, chances of a 3x return increase to 90%+ at a 500 company cohort size and closes in on 100% as the cohort size approaches 2000 companies. The more quality shots investors have on goal, the better. 

  1. Due Diligence, Valuation, and Deal Memos

Develop a due diligence method, be vigilant about it, and independently verify:

  • Founder backgrounds, qualifications, and expertise 
  • Market size: TAM/SAM claims + realism of SOM 
  • All claimed IP 
  • Competition 
  • Traction and customer contracts – talk with customers 
  • Exit multiples for industry 
  • Sensibility of market capture w/r/t exit valuation requirement 

Very few enjoy this critical piece of the investment process. Be sure you, your angel group, and/or your fund / syndicate have access to the research tools to do the job right. The Angel Capital Association recommends at least 40 hours of diligence work for each investment made. Many investments will be partially researched – until a problem is uncovered – then the deal is called off, which increases the average diligence time per closed investment to closer to 80 hours. When the investment is fully researched, diligence is complete, and conviction is reached to make an investment, it should be documented with a deal memo summarizing the research, diligence, and noting the reasons for and risks of the investment. Deal memos become a critical learning tool as the investments make the desired returns – or when they fail. 

Each piece of research is important, but one that is often overlooked is the valuation research. What is the entry price of the investment? How much of the company will the investment purchase? How much dilution will occur as future rounds are raised? What does the exit point have to be (including dilution) for the investment to generate a 50x return? What level of sales does the company have to reach to justify that exit price? What percentage of the market (SAM) does the company have to acquire to hit that sales number? Is it reasonable for any company in the market to own that required percentage of the market (SAM)? Can the founders execute at the level required over the time period to reach that market percentage? 

  1. Putting it all together

Write a deal memo for each investment made to document the details above. 

You can make a great return and have a ton of fun investing in startups. There are few activities that stimulate the brain, the imagination, provide social engagement, and very high returns like startup angel investing. The risk is high, but the rewards are much higher than Private Equity (PE), Hedge Funds, Real Estate, and public stocks – when investments are made correctly. Investing in a fund or with an angel group will not require as much work as DIY, but it’s important to know and understand what is required – even if you don’t DIY. 

Angel and Startup Investing Resources and Opportunities 

StartUpNV provides several options for startup and angel investors. 

  1. AngelNV – team up and learn with other angels. Some but not all of the work is done for you – and you’ll meet dozens of other like minded people investing in an annual conference fund, risking as little as $5k. Find out more at 
  2. FundNV – a $2M pre-seed fund where investors can participate in hearing company pitches, asking questions, and providing feedback to the general partners. Investors don’t have to source deal flow, conduct due diligence, etc. Fund management makes the decisions and manages the $100k per company investments on behalf of its members (aka “limited partners” or LPs) 
  3. Sierra Angels – a traditional membership angel group investing directly and via SPVs 4. 1864 – a $10M see fund similar in structure as FundNV, except making larger investments in more mature companies 
  4. 1864 – a $10M see fund similar in structure as FundNV, except making larger investments in more mature companies
  5. StartUpNV Syndicate – investors in any StartUpNV based fund (and their invited friends) participate in “side car” investments and one-off deals that may not be a fit for the fund or angel group thesis.

About the author, Jeff Saling: 

Owner Jeff Saling start up nv 1

Jeff co-founded StartUpNV (2017), a non-profit state-wide startup accelerator and incubator; FundNV (2020), a pre-seed venture fund; AngelNV (2021), an annual conference seed fund that educates investors; and the 1864 Fund (2023), a seed venture fund.  Since inception, StartUpNV has engaged 1000+ companies, runs 80+ events per year, and has worked with 40 Nevada companies raising $77M+.  He is co-President of the Sierra Angels (2023), one of the nation’s longest operating angel investing groups. Jeff is a founding member and Vice Chair on the NV Governor’s Council on Startups and Venture Capital (2022), worked with NV Lt. Gov Kate Marshall to introduce and pass SB9 (Blue Sky Laws) in the 81st NV Legislature (2021), worked in the 82nd Legislature (2023) with Assembly Speaker Steve Yeager and Cisco Aguilar, Nevada’s Secretary of State to introduce and pass AB75 (Nevada Certified Investor). Since 2018, Jeff teaches ENGR-461 (High Tech Entrepreneurship) during fall semesters in the College of Engineering at the University of Nevada, Reno.  Jeff was a SaaS startup founder and executive with 4 successful exits by IPO and acquisition between 1992 and 2016. Jeff’s private company professional experience includes leading worldwide sales, SaaS operations, and product development.


How To Succeed or Fail at Startup Investing Read More »

customer discovery

Customer Discovery: Job One for A Successful Startup

Customer Discovery: Job-One for a Successful Startup


customer discovery

There are two paths to a startup. The first is to get an idea, develop a product, produce a product and then try to sell it.  The second is to get an idea, test the market appetite, create a prototype, test the market reaction, revise, and test until you are ready to produce.

I probably don’t need to tell you that the second path is typically more successful. The better you understand your customer, their needs, and their appetite for your product, the more likely you will be to build a product people will buy. This is the path of customer discovery.

If the second path is typically more successful, why do founders choose the first path so often?  There are several reasons. One reason is that founders assume that because they saw a need for the solution, others will buy it.  It’s the “if you build it, they will come” model.  Unfortunately, just because you want it, or think it is a good business idea, doesn’t mean that other people will spend money on it.


Product-Market Fit

Before you get too far along your startup journey, I encourage you to think about what we call product-market fit. Product-market fit is when there is a need and an appetite for a solution to a problem. It also means that your solution fills the need and is priced so that people will buy it. Solving a problem isn’t enough. You have to make sure there is a product-market fit.  We do that through customer discovery.

The customer discovery process starts by understanding who has the problem you are trying to solve, how important it is, and how much they are willing to spend to solve it. If you get an answer that indicates the problem is troublesome enough that they are willing to invest to solve it, you can test your solution model with the potential customer.

You begin this customer discovery process by defining the target market you believe will want your product, developing a series of questions to understand the customer’s interest, analyzing the data, and then revising and retesting if necessary. If you believe there is more than one target market for your product, then you may need to run this customer discovery process more than one time.


4 Part Customer Discovery Process:

  • Define a Target Market
  • Customer Validation: Understanding the:
  • Problem
  • Urgency
  • Appetite (Budget)
  • Testing your solution
  • Analyzing the Data
  • Revision & Retesting


Define the Target Market

If you have an idea for a product, the next step is to think about who might use it.  Don’t make the mistake of thinking “anyone” or “everyone” can use it.  While that may be true, it is more helpful to think about who is most likely to have the problem you are solving and be willing to invest resources into solving it.  Who do you think will be easiest to sell this to?  Then, stop and think if there are other groups that might also be able to use it.  Make a list of the groups of buyers. Many founders would be surprised how often companies have changed their target market when they realize that a different buyer is willing to pay more or buy it more often.

Depending on what you sell, your target customers could be moms of teenagers, accountants, or quality control specialists in labs. For example, if you’re a founder selling testing equipment, you may think that the equipment would most often be used by labs in water treatment facilities. You might discover that other labs test for similar things that could use the same equipment. Those other types of labs might be another target market.

If you are selling business-to-business (B2B), you might want to consider all the people who might be involved in buying or using the product you are selling. You may want to interview more than one type of buyer during your customer discovery.


Customer Validation

Customer Validation is the process of studying the potential buyer.  There are many ways to do this. You can set up a study and have people participate, you can send out a survey, or you can do interviews.  There are probably other ways to do this as well.  With a new product, especially for a new founder, doing interviews is a great starting place because people will tell you things you didn’t think to ask.

Before you interview or survey potential customers, develop your customer discovery questions. Here is a link to some sample questions on customer discovery.  It is important to think through the questions and test them on people before you start your interviews. You want to ensure you are asking what you mean to ask and that the questions are easy to understand and answer. You also want to ensure you are not leading them to answer in a specific way. You want honest answers.

Start by understanding the problem. (I use ‘problem’, but it could be something they want to achieve or avoid). You are assuming that people have a certain problem. First, you need to confirm that they have that problem.  Next, you will want to understand how that impacts them.  How much of a problem is it? Many problems don’t seem worth fixing. Other problems create other problems when you fix them.  You need to understand all of this. The problem has to be bothersome enough that they are willing to suffer through the solution.

Next, understand how urgent a solution is. Is this priority 1 or 56?  Do other things need to get solved before this, or in order to solve this?  What is the timeline around those things? If I want a new carpet but don’t want to get it until I fix the leak in the roof and the water damage on the ceiling, the new carpet may have to wait a few weeks or months. Timing is everything. 

Once you understand the timing, ask how much they will pay. Remember that the price of your product may only be part of the cost for them. If I buy makeup, I may also have to buy brushes. If I buy a new car, I must also get new insurance and register the car.  So you need to understand how much they will pay for your solution plus how much else they are willing to invest.

Finally, test your solution with them. You may want to bring a prototype for them to test. Do they like your solution?  What do they like or not like about your solution? Does seeing your solution change their urgency or how much they are willing to pay? 

Be as consistent as you can in asking the questions. It will be hard to analyze the data if you don’t follow the same process every time.  Give yourself a place to track answers not specifically asked in the questionnaire.


Analyze the Data

Compiling and understanding the data of your customer discovery is important.  You can get a feel for what people say, but formally analyzing it will give you better information.  If you do interviews, you can still put the answers into a program like Survey Monkey so they can analyze the data for you. Sometimes once you get the answers, you will begin to see trends. You might notice if people answered one question a certain way, they were more likely to answer a second question a specific way. You can see many trends in the data if you look for them. 


Revision and Retesting

The whole point of this customer discovery process is to learn. If you are lucky, you will get through this survey, and everyone will say they love the idea and the product and they are willing to pay what you want them to pay. More likely, as you do these interviews, surveys, or tests, you will learn things that will make you rethink your product or solution. You can do a handful of customer discovery surveys and make urgent changes before you go on. Or you may get through the whole survey process and analyze the data before deciding what changes to make.  However you do it, the vital thing to remember is that you are doing this to learn how to produce a product people will pay for. Remember, until people buy your product for a profitable price, you have a hobby, not a business. Your job is to develop a successful business. That means you need a product that solves a problem that people want to solve badly enough to pay for.

Product development tends to be an iterative process. In other words, you get an idea, you research the fit, make revisions, test again and keep revising and testing until you get it right.  


How to Find Your Test Sample

Decide how many people you want to interview before you start. It is essential to have a big enough sample size to analyze. Talking to ten people, for example, isn’t enough to make a good business decision. I recommend talking to at least 100 people if you can swing it. You might want to do ten as phase one, then revise before you do the rest.

If possible, start with people you know well. That will give you a comfortable environment to test your survey before you try it on strangers. 

Next, go to what we call 2nd level connections. Those are friends of friends or connections of connections on LinkedIn.  Ask for introductions from people you know. If you have been introduced, people are much more likely to agree to the interview. Finally, you must reach out to strangers if you run out of people you know.  You could use LinkedIn for this or make cold calls. Let them know you are developing a product and would like to interview them to get their feedback. Let them know how long the interview will take. If you want to, you can offer a Starbucks gift card or something like that as a thank you.


Proceed, Pivot or Punt

You must decide at several points along the way if you will “proceed, pivot, or punt.”   You may make minor changes as you research, but keep moving forward with your business as planned. You may decide to pivot, meaning you will make significant changes in your product or target market. Finally, you may discover the company isn’t going to work. Maybe people don’t need to fix the problem, or there are better solutions out there, or perhaps people won’t pay enough to make the business profitable. Whatever the reason, sometimes deciding to give up is the right thing.

At various points in your startup journey, the decision to ‘proceed, pivot, or punt’ becomes crucial. Seeking advice and insights from experienced mentors, such as those affiliated with StartupNV, can offer a fresh perspective and guide you in making informed choices for the future of your business.

Even once you have a product on the market, you will likely update, upgrade or change it over time.  Some products, like Coca-Cola, always stay the same, while others, like iPhones, change yearly. 


Fastest Path to the Finish-line

For many founders, preparing the product for sale seems like the most direct path to success. It may be direct, but there is a huge risk of getting to the finish line without a buyer. Potential customers can be fickle and hard to understand, so customer discovery may seem like taking the long way around. There may be more twists and turns in the process, but the end result should be a product ready for a market that is willing to pay.  

By Liz Heiman, CEO at Regarding Sales and StartupNV Mentor

About the Author

Liz has been helping companies with enterprise (B2B complex sales) since 1998. She started her career at Miller Heiman training companies like HP, Coca-Cola, NCR and Johnson Controls. Now she works with startups and companies in transition to build sales operating systems to support sales and growth goals. Liz will work with any company who has a B2B complex sales, but is focused on manufacturing, med tech and other tech.



Customer Discovery Questions List by StartUpNV


  1. Have you experienced this situation?
  2. Is it a problem for you?
  3. Where and when do you experience this problem?
  4. How are you currently dealing with the situation?
  5.  How often do you experience the problem?
  6. How interested are you in an easier solution, on a scale of 1 to 10?
  7. How many others that you know experience the problem?
  8. How long should you have to wait for the solution to work?
  9. How much time are you willing to invest in learning the solution?
  10. Are you willing to pay for a better solution?
  11. How much are you willing to pay?
  12. If it is a one time solution, how often are you willing to pay for it?

Customer Discovery: Job One for A Successful Startup Read More »

Top 10 Venture Capital Books for your Next Business Venture

Top 10 Venture Capital Books for Your Next Venture 

Raising capital can be daunting, but there are foundational guides available to help founders navigate the process. We’ve collected a list of resources that draw from top experts and authors that can help you understand and master the world of venture capital and be successful in your next raise.

From beginner books to traditional guidebooks, venture into the world of startups and investments with these top 10 venture capital books for your next business venture!

Venture Capital Strategy: How to Think Like a Venture Capitalist


Author: Patrick Vernon

In Venture Capital Strategy, Patrick Vernon focuses on the frameworks that go into the decision-making process between founders and venture capitalists. 

Vernon gives practical tips on how to mitigate investment risks and alleviate the uncertainties of investing in startups. Entrepreneurs are encouraged to focus on long-term perspectives when planning and building their startups. A practical and sustainable business model is a driving force behind great investment deals, which is why Vernon draws from other disciplines such as finance and economics. 

Introducing the basics of finance and economics in a venture capital guidebook can provide a more holistic understanding of economic growth and what drives long-term value creation for investors. This is a unique aspect of Venture Capital Strategy where investors can learn how to identify sustainable startups with great potential for economic growth. For better investment decisions and an overall understanding of the framework of venture capital, readers can get a good grasp of how to think like a venture capitalist. 

Breakfast With Pops: A Venture Capital Handbook 


Author: Adam Draper, William H. Draper 

Perfectly titled, this book is the conversation you’d have over (an extremely long) breakfast if your pops or mentor was a seasoned Venture Capitalist. If you like your reads less dry, you’ll enjoy this buttered-up book with the tone of two friends chatting.

Breakfast with Pops derives from the authors’ personal experiences and sets a conversational tone when explaining the basics of venture capital. Its engaging style of language helps readers understand complex concepts, made more entertaining by including humor and relatable language. Breakfast with Pops provides a broader but well-rounded approach, and benefits both founders and venture capitalists by going into the venture capital process from start to finish.

Adam and William Draper also highlight the importance of building great founder-investor relationships. Trust, integrity, and transparency are vital qualities between founders and investors. Entrepreneurs can learn how investors operate and make decisions so that they can better position themselves for success.  From structuring deals to portfolio management, founders are able to learn about venture capital in an approachable way. The candid language used in Breakfast with Pops is also great for beginners who are just starting in the venture capital industry as founders or investors. It is for eager learners who seek a basic understanding of the venture capital world and the relationship between founders and investors. 

Founder VS Investor: The Honest Truth About Venture Capital from Startup to IPO (Audiobook) 


Author: Elizabeth Zalman, Jerry Neumann 

The founder-investor relationship is the primary topic of Founder VS Investor. This audiobook by Zalman and Neuman sheds light on the challenges and tensions that founders and investors may face when developing a relationship. It gives practical advice on negotiating term sheets, managing investor relations, and resolving conflict. Listeners are able to gather valuable insights on how to build strong founder-investor relationships and, most importantly, how to negotiate deals that will benefit both parties. Zalman and Neuman stress the importance of harmony and understanding between founders and investors by analyzing the features of a successful founder-investor dynamic. 

Zalman and Neuman include various interviews with experts, thought leaders, and industry insiders, providing well-rounded insights from all perspectives of the venture capital world. These experts help listeners gain a broader understanding of the systems in venture capital and what makes these systems work. These insights are what makes Founder Vs Investor unique to its listeners.

Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future Hardcover 


Author: Peter Thiel 

Beyond the bank; a book that is worth a read for all aspects of building a startup, including fundraising.

Zero to One introduces conventional ways of learning about entrepreneurship and innovation by catering to founders who seek to build groundbreaking businesses that go from zero to hero. Thiel has been quoted as saying, “We wanted flying cars. Instead, we got 140 characters” In this book, he explores how we got here and how we are capable of building the future we want. The book explores the foundations of a successful and innovative startup. It also serves as a guide for product development, where founders can learn how their product can stand out and resonate with their target audience. Peter Thiel emphasizes the importance of identifying products that offer significant value and solve real-life problems. 

Thiel encourages his readers to build a sustainable business that has potential to change the future.  Zero to One also targets VCs that want to identify promising investment opportunities. Thiel puts due diligence at the forefront when offering advice for venture capitalists. From identifying a startup’s growth potential, risk management, and maximizing returns while minimizing downside risks, Zero to One not only offers strategic guidance for founders and venture capitalists but it also analyzes the trends and dynamics of the venture capital world. 

In Search of Thursday: Diary of an Undergraduate at the University of Venture Capital 


Author: Paul Traynor 

If you prefer to “walk a mile” (or 278 pages) in the shoes of someone else’s journey as they discover the world of venture capital, this book is for you.

In Search of Thursday is written from the perspective of an undergraduate student who is newly exploring the world of venture capital. The author makes this book unique to readers because it offers an amateur perspective on the subject compared to traditional “expert” books. Paul Traynor chose to write about venture capital in a diary format and draws from personal experiences and reflections as he navigates the venture capital industry. The reader experiences the author’s journey through successes, failures, and the reality of going into venture capital.

 Although Traynor offers a more informal approach to understanding venture capital, he also covers key terms, concepts, and practices making this book a valuable source for beginners and students. While the entertainment value is certainly present in In Search of Thursday, it is full of practical advice from deal sourcing and due diligence to understanding the venture capital world overall. 

Super Founders: What Data Reveals About Million Dollar Startups 


Author: Ali Tamaseb

This book scientifically debunks the myth that you need a “perfectly matched 2 person team” – a techie and a business person – to have your best chance at a unicorn.  There is no significant difference in the rate of success if there are 2 “balanced” founders or 3 technical founders, or a single business founder.  If you can get over your emotional reaction and follow the numbers – your aperture will be blown wide open.

Super Founders is a data driven guide on how to have a successful startup and identifies the common features that the most successful startups have. Tamaseb uses a quantitative approach to analyze the main predictors of successful high-growth startups.  Super Founders also emphasizes what it truly takes to build a million-dollar startup. Smart founders will take inspiration from his conclusions and strive to focus on the key metrics revealed by his data. 

Although the topics and advice are centered around founders, venture capitalists can also benefit from the book. With the data-driven analysis, venture capitalists can better assess which startups will likely have successful outcomes, generating  better returns. By prioritizing empirical evidence in decision-making, venture capitalists and founders increase their chances of building and investing in successful startups. 

Mastering the VC Game: A Venture Capital Insider Reveals How to Get from Start-up to IPO on Your Terms


Author: Jeffrey Bussgang

Learn both sides of the chessboard with this book.

Jeffrey Bussgang offers a unique take on venture capital and building a successful startup by having experience as both an entrepreneur and a venture capitalist himself. This book does a deep dive into the relationship and dynamic between investors and founders and what a successful business venture looks like. Mastering the VC Game includes real-life experiences as well as case studies to give its readers relevant and actionable advice when understanding the stages of a startup journey. Bussgang also sheds light on the importance of practical skills such as networking, pitching, and building credibility with potential investors. 

Mastering the VC Game is also useful when identifying the weaknesses of a startup. How can founders overcome common obstacles? How can they navigate the inevitable ups and downs of building a successful startup? Investors can use this knowledge to build better investment strategies that attract the most returns. Bussgang gives deep insight into not only the successes, but the challenges of being on both sides of the table.

   The Power Law: Venture Capital and the Making of the New Future


Author: Sebastian Mallaby

Moonshots and Moon landings: case studies and key insights into successful startups and what sets them apart.

The Power Law is unique in its historical perspective of the venture capital world by describing trends and developments that have influenced the industry to what it is today. It also takes on a global perspective when it comes to understanding innovation and economic development, including the differences and history in China, India, and Europe, where venture capital also has a prominent role in the business world. 

Sebastian Mallaby includes case studies as a key aspect when analyzing successful startups and venture capital firms. By drawing from real-world examples, The Power Law helps its readers connect with and digest the lessons and advice it gives. Mallaby takes inspiration from iconic companies like Google and Facebook and legendary investors like Sequoia Capital and Kleiner Perkins to tell success stories. The Power Law explores a much broader spectrum of venture capital making this book beneficial for understanding the startup world as a whole. 

“The entire VC industry works from the Power Law principle — just a few of your cohort of investment will make nearly all of your returns. This has HUGE implications for how and how many startup investments you should make. Ignore this “law” at your own peril — but better to read about and understand it.” -Jeff Saling, StartUpNV 

Secrets of Sand Hill Road: Venture Capital and How to Get it


Author: Scott Kupor 

Capital Culture: A book that emphasizes the ecosystem and history behind venture capital: A critical read for anyone seeking to understand how it all began and where it’s going.

In Secrets of Sand Hill Road, Scott Kupor draws from his personal expertise as an experienced venture capitalist. While strongly emphasizing the entrepreneurial perspective, Secrets of Sand Hill Road highlights the experiences, challenges, and successes of raising venture capital. The book provides an inside look at the venture capital ecosystem by covering a wide range of topics, including the most prominent venture capital firms, fundraising strategies, valuation methods, and portfolio management. 

Kupor paints a vivid yet informative picture of the ins and outs of the relationship between venture capitalists and startup founders. The language used in Secrets of Sand Hill Road is comprehensive and straightforward for readers with varying knowledge of venture capital. Readers are able to gain a deeper understanding of the motivation and concerns behind the venture capital industry. 

Venture Deals: Be Smarter Than Your Lawyer and Venture Capitalist (4th Edition)


Author: Brad Feld, Jason Mendelson 

Often referred to as the “Holy Grail” of VC books, Venture Deals can serve as a friendly go-to handbook for founders on all things VC.

Venture Deals is an incredibly detailed and educational book from both the founder’s and the  venture capitalist’s perspective. Feld and Mendelson offer the ultimate guide to understanding raising capital and navigating the legalese and motivations of the fundraising process. From preparing for fundraising to closing the deal, founders will learn the best ways to pitch to investors and negotiate deals. Venture Deals also explores concepts of valuation and dilution which is especially useful for founders in early-stage startups. Founders can learn what factors influence the valuation and the strategies that might be helpful when negotiating a valuation that aligns with their business goals. 

Attracting investments is essential to the growth and success of startups so it is important for founders to understand the criteria investors use to evaluate in which startups they will invest. Feld and Mendelson offer a guide on how to navigate and build a strong relationship with potential investors. By including perspectives from venture capitalists, the book ensures that both parties benefit from the investment deals. Venture capitalists can gain a deeper understanding of the trends that are constantly developing in the industry in order to adapt and stay competitive. With the combination of insights from both founders and venture capitalists, Venture Deals is a valuable resource to the venture capital and startup world.

“Don’t make your second investment until you read and understand the material in this book.  You can be forgiven for making a first investment without it, but not a second, third, or more.” – Jeff Saling, StartUpNV 


For founders and investors that need an extra hand in understanding the ins and outs of the venture capital industry, this list is curated to offer perspectives new and old from various points of view. 

Founders and entrepreneurs can gain insight to the minds of investors and break the barrier of knowledge. This can enable them to create better business models and build successful and sustainable startups. Venture capitalists can also identify potential in startups and choose which ones can yield the best returns. 

The approaches of investors to venture capital are limitless but the resources are not, so it’s essential to choose the right venture capital books to help with your next great business venture. 

For additional resources, check out StartUpNV’s Youtube channel and stay updated on our most recent posts and events on our Linkedin page. Find our Founders Reading list here. 

Written By: Ericka Estacio, Staff Writer 

Top 10 Venture Capital Books for your Next Business Venture Read More »

Understanding funding rounds

A Deep Dive Into Startup Funding Rounds

A Deep Dive Into Startup Funding Rounds

The world of startups is dynamic and ever-changing, and securing startup funding is often a crucial step towards success regardless of the industry. Critical phases of startup financing— Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A, Series B, and Series C, etc.—each represent a significant milestone in a company’s growth, but these stages are more than just capital acquisition. They’re about strategic growth, market validation, and the ability to scale operations.

Understanding the intricacies of these funding rounds offers invaluable insights for entrepreneurs that aim to navigate the challenging-yet-rewarding path of building a successful startup.

Read on to gain insights into the objectives, challenges, and strategies that define each startup funding stage.

Understanding Startup Funding Rounds

Fistbump in front of "start" sign.

Startups evolve through various stages of growth backed by effective business financial planning. Each stage is marked by a distinct funding round. These funding rounds are not just about securing capital, they’re about strategic partnerships, market validation, and business evolution.

From angel investors, accelerators, and friends and family in the early stages, to venture capitalists and private equity in the later stages, the nature of funding reflects the startup’s growth trajectory and market readiness.

Factors such as the amount of capital raised in a particular fundraising round, the nomenclature of which “series” or round you are raising, the types of investors involved, and the business milestones you’ve achieved in order to raise such a round can vary depending on a number of factors. This is especially true between the stages of Pre-Seed and Seed.

In general, pre-seed and seed funding are the earliest money that a company will raise. The amount of money raised can range from $50 thousand to $5 million. This money can be used to build the business and scale the core team, further develop the product, validate the market, increase traction and revenue, and prepare to show Series A investors that they’ve demonstrated product market fit and that their business is equipped to scale (with investment, of course).

The three most common funding rounds you’ll encounter when fundraising to scale the startup are Series A, Series B, and Series C funding. Here’s how each differs in terms of challenges and how you can strategize during each to come out the other end successful and further funded.

Series A Funding: Laying the Foundation for Scaling

Series A funding follows seed funding and marks a turning point where startups shift from developing your product to scaling your operations. This critical stage is about proving the business model and laying the groundwork for sustained growth.

Objectives of Series A startup funding: The focus here is on market fit and scalability. Startups need to show they can not only attract customers but also retain them and grow your base.

Typical investors and investment size: Investments range from $3 million to $25 million, and these investments primarily come from venture capitalists looking for companies with a strong team and a scalable business model.

Challenges of Series A startup funding include:

  • Validating the business model
  • Scaling the team structure
  • Managing rapid growth and spending
  • Building brand and customer loyalty
  • Aligning with investor expectations
  • Shifting focus to sales and marketing

Effective funding tactics include:

  • Establishing financial controls
  • Developing a diverse leadership team
  • Focusing on market differentiators
  • Crafting scalable marketing strategies
  • Engaging with investors for guidance
  • Utilizing data for product decisions

Success in Series A funding sets the stage for exponential growth and also serves as a validation of the startup’s market potential.

Series B Funding: Accelerating Growth

Series B startup funding is where the startup’s vision moves beyond the validation stage of Series A funding and into the growth stage

Objectives of Series B startup funding: This stage is characterized by efforts to dominate the market. Expansion of product lines and geographical reach become a priority.

Key investors and expected investment amounts: Series B can see funding from $20 million to $50 million and attract larger venture capital firms and even strategic investors.

Challenges of Series B startup funding include:  

  • Balancing quality with scaling
  • Diversifying products or services
  • Attracting and retaining talent
  • Managing brand value in new markets
  • Optimizing supply chains
  • Maintaining innovation and profitability

Effective funding tactics include:

  • Optimizing operations and processes
  • Researching for market expansion
  • Implementing talent programs
  • Investing in marketing and brand building
  • Strengthening governance frameworks
  • Promoting a culture of innovation

Achieving success in Series B funding is a testament to the startup’s resilience and its ability to not just grow but thrive in a competitive landscape.

Series C Funding: Preparing for the Future

At the Series C funding stage, startups are typically looking toward scaling to new heights and possibly eyeing public market entry or making significant acquisitions.

Objectives of Series C startup funding: The focus is on scaling the business to an international level, diversifying product offerings, and exploring new markets.

Investor profile and investment scale: Investment amounts can range from $30 million to $90 million or more. Series C funding attracts a diverse range of investors including private equity, hedge funds, and even corporate investors.

Challenges of Series C funding include:

  • Adapting to global markets
  • Managing diverse investor expectations
  • Innovating amidst competition
  • Balancing new revenue streams
  • Preparing for exit (IPOs/acquisitions)
  • Handling public and media scrutiny

Effective funding tactics include:

  • Developing international strategies
  • Maintaining stakeholder communication
  • Investing in R&D and industry trends
  • Exploring strategic partnerships
  • Preparing for IPO with expert advice
  • Establishing a strong PR plan

Series C funding is an indicator of the startup’s maturity and its readiness to play on a global stage.

Final Thoughts on Startup Funding Success

Navigating through startup funding rounds requires a blend of strategic vision, operational excellence, and market insight. Each stage—from Pre-Seed to Series A and beyond—brings its own set of challenges and opportunities, and each stage shapes the startup’s journey toward success.

It’s the founder’s job to understand these nuances, because funding is essential for any entrepreneur looking to steer his or her venture through the turbulent-yet-satisfying waters of startup growth.

A Deep Dive Into Startup Funding Rounds Read More »

Asian startup founder preparing due diligence on investors.

Understand Investor Expectations: A Pre-Seed Due Diligence Checklist for Founders

Understand Investor Expectations: A Pre-Seed Due Diligence Checklist for Founders

The pre-seed funding stage occurs when startups seek initial outside capital to develop their business ideas, build prototypes, or scale their business. It’s a pivotal moment in a startup’s development and one that sets the stage for seed-stage funding. Companies that seek pre-seed funding need to give investors the means to provide an evaluation that doesn’t waste time and makes the company’s core value shine through.

In truth, the due diligence process goes both ways in pre seed funding. While investors will research the startups best suited to their interests, startups can tailor their pitch decks to better align with these investors’ expectations through research, and can determine more about alignment of the investors and their investment thesis. By doing so, startups gain a better chance of securing needed finances across every stage of the funding lifecycle.

The Pre-Seed Funding Due Diligence Checklist

Illustration of a checklist.

1. Know the Investment Criteria

Startups must speak to the overarching theme and the specific investment criteria (thesis) established by the angel group. Investors often have non-negotiable criteria, and startups that don’t meet these requirements will be cut, often without any feedback as to why. 

Founders must understand and align their venture with the expectations of the investor group before they proceed. Lack of alignment jeopardizes the chances of consideration, and it diminishes the opportunity for reconsideration.

  • Thoroughly research and understand the specific investment criteria.
  • Align the startup with the expectations of the angel group or investor.
  • Prioritize compatibility before proceeding with the application.

2. Highlight Venture Investability

While all investor groups have different pre-seed funding criteria, they tend to seek ventures that exhibit the potential for substantial returns, typically between 20-50 times the initial investment within 8-10 years. 

As such, it’s good to emphasize the potential for “big wins” in the pitch. As a general rule, startups should avoid niches that may not have sufficient market size or face saturation with trendy, short-lived ventures. They should promote the venture as a hot item with big potential for long-term gains.

  • Emphasize scalability and the potential for significant returns.
  • Be mindful of market dynamics and trends in specific niches.
  • Align the stated business model with the investor’s appetite for exponential growth.

3. Get Busy Networking

Proactive engagement with the investment group can impact a startup’s chances. Founders should reach out to publicly listed members of the selection committee to establish early contact and gain insights into what attributes should be pushed in pitch deck messaging. In-person contact is ideal to connect faces with names, but online communication and general company research can yield great results.

  • Actively engage with the chosen investment group.
  • Establish early contact with publicly listed members of the selection committee.
  • Gain insights into the preferences and focus areas of the investor group through strategic networking.

4. Include Business Mechanics

Investors value startups with a defensible position in the market—often referred to as a “moat” that shields the company from easy duplication. Founders should focus on strategies that position their company to dominate the market quickly or possess high switching costs and network effects that solidify their role as a market leader.

  • Develop strategies to establish a defensible position in the market.
  • Emphasize the importance of existing moats to protect against easy duplication.
  • Demonstrate a clear path to market dominance or the creation of high switching costs and network effects.

5. Get the Valuation Right

Getting the valuation right will have a significant impact on the chance to secure funding. Founders should work closely with advisors, utilize valuation methodologies, and avoid common pitfalls of over or undervaluation. A well-calibrated valuation instills confidence of investors and positions the startup for success in subsequent funding rounds.

  • Collaborate with advisors to determine an accurate valuation.
  • Utilize valuation methodologies and don’t shoot in the dark.
  • Strive for a well-calibrated and realistic valuation that inspires investor confidence. 
  • Check out StartUpNV’s Valuation Calculator.

Preparation Improves the Odds of Securing Pre Seed Funding

While this checklist provides a fairly comprehensive guide for startup founders who navigate pre-seed funding, note that each funding journey is unique. Founders may benefit from additional guidance tailored to their specific circumstances. 

They should  seek mentorship, engage with industry experts, and leverage networking opportunities to supplement the checklist and enhance the overall approach. After all, what is pre seed funding due diligence if not the perfect opportunity to hammer out problems before the company kicks off?

Understand Investor Expectations: A Pre-Seed Due Diligence Checklist for Founders Read More »

Holiday Rush

Time Management Tips For Entrepreneurs In 2024

Time Management Tips for Entrepreneurs in 2024

Stepping into 2024, founders may feel the whirlwind of post-holiday demands. The new year is supposed to be a time of rejuvenation and fresh starts, but for entrepreneurs, every day is a new challenge. Below, we offer time management tips for entrepreneurs, insights on how to prioritize precious work hours, and how to juggle multiple tasks without sacrificing work-life balance.

Set Priorities: Best Practices for Time Optimization

Embrace the Eisenhower Matrix

3D Man sitting on hourglass looking at a laptop

The Eisenhower Matrix, also known as Eisenhower’s Urgency and Importance Matrix, provides a structured, four-quadrant framework that prioritizes tasks. Founders can make use of this framework at any stage of their startup. In the ‘Do First Quadrant’ individuals address critical and urgent tasks and use techniques like timers to stay focused and drive progress. Meanwhile, the ‘Schedule Quadrant’ focuses on significant yet non-urgent tasks to encourage proactive planning.

The ‘Delegate Quadrant’ helps leaders effectively manage task distribution. Leaders assign tasks based on expertise and alignment with organizational goals to foster collaboration and accountability through clear communication channels. Finally, the ‘Don’t Do Quadrant’ is a place to eliminate unproductive habits. This makes it easier to stay focused and juggle multiple tasks.

Implement Time Blocking

Time blocking is a helpful way to effectively manage multiple tasks with a busy schedule. Founders and staff managers can allocate specific time blocks for tasks, meetings, breaks, and focused work sessions.

For example, each Monday morning from 9:00-11:00 AM can be just for strategic planning. This time block allows staff members to review business objectives, assess market trends, and consider new goals. Tuesday and Thursday afternoons, from 1:00-4:00 PM can be set aside for product development, product market fit questions, and other tasks.

This structure helps staff know what to expect across the work week and mentally prepares them for the creative work to come.

Focus on the Right Tasks

Founders should test and apply a variety of prioritization strategies to find the ones that best fit their team’s business goals. Buy-in from teams is important, but it’s also important that founders don’t run with the first framework they find. Every hour spent on a task is an hour that can’t be spent elsewhere, so it pays to identify high value tasks and apply efforts there.

For example, the oft-cited Pareto Principle states that 20% of activities produce 80% of outcomes. The founder should identify and prioritize these high value tasks, then allocate resources accordingly.

Define Clear Objectives for Each Time Block

Establish clear objectives for each time block to ensure that each section becomes a productive time slot. Without a clear focus, time blocks can turn into unproductive jam sessions where ideas are shared but no actual progress is made.

Apply Productivity Techniques

Everyone has their own preferences for how work gets done, but founders can integrate effective time management techniques into their company culture to make best practices an institutional value. Consider the Pomodoro Technique, a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo, or the Eat the Frog Principle, popularized by Brian Tracy. These methods help workers stay focused throughout the day and ensure that the most high value tasks are made priorities in the workday.

Incorporate Buffer Time and Flexibility

Time management tips for entrepreneurs follow a common theme: flexibility. Founders should incorporate buffer time within the schedule to accommodate unexpected challenges or interruptions. They should allocate additional time for unforeseen tasks and try to stay one step ahead of the schedule. This minimizes the risk of unexpected roadblocks that creates a schedule time crunch. In this way, the buffer time remains a top strategy to balance a busy schedule with a personal life.

Delegate Tasks: Empower the Team for Success

An oft-cited mantra for executives isnever be the smartest person in the room’. A founder should surround themselves with trusted partners who bring their own unique perspectives and skill sets to the table. When a founder can delegate with confidence, it becomes far easier to manage the startup’s to-do list.

The Last Word on Productivity

A final word on time management tips for entrepreneurs: Don’t neglect self-care! Personal management is part of being an entrepreneur, and founder burnout can spread like wildfire among lower level staff. Founders should do themselves, and their startups, a favor and set aside some time each week for rest and rejuvenation, and incorporate regular breaks to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Visit StartupNV for more tips for success in 2024!

Time Management Tips For Entrepreneurs In 2024 Read More »

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Startups Can Adapt to Market Changes

Startups Can Adapt to Market Changes: How to Evaluate Product-Market Fit and Pivot as Needed

Most entrepreneurs believe they have the next great idea, but they haven’t done the prep work of evaluating the market for viability. Whether it’s a pet rock, Pinterest, or a cookie cup, the saying “There’s a market for everything” does have a lot of truth to it. But to know for sure that there’s a market for your idea, one must have sales and learn the meaning of  “product-market fit.”

Without product market fit, a startup may spend years in a struggle to gain traction. Product-market fit is shown by quick revenue growth, and is very enticing to investors.

Market Fit Questions To Ask First

“Product-market fit” sounds lofty, right? It refers to whether a business creates a good or service that meets consumer needs, is relevant, is priced well for the target audience, and has intrinsic value that can’t be duplicated by competitors. For brevity, we’ll use the term widget to refer to both products and services. 

First, understand that product-market fit doesn’t mean that only one business can successfully sell a widget within a specific category. But it does mean that this widget outshines the competition in that niche. The first in a series of important product market fit stages is to ask your customers questions to see if your widget is worth pursuing with a startup.

Does the widget:

  • Address a meaningful customer need?
  • Solve the need in a new way?
  • Have a reasonable price that customers will pay?
  • Does the price being paid allow the company to make a profit?
  • What other features would the customer like to see?
  • Create a positive user experience (UX)
  • Have a clearly-defined feature set

Before you try to sell or market to consumers, make sure that the product-market fit is properly vetted. You may spend several months researching the consumer landscape and the competition before the widget is ready to launch. Ask at least 100 unknown people to answer your discovery questions.

Identify the Target Market

Before you try to sell or market to consumers, make sure that the product-market fit is properly vetted. You may spend several months researching the consumer landscape and the competition before the widget is ready to launch.

Identify The Target Market

Don’t even think about launching a startup if the target market is not present. Let’s use the example of a residential cleaning service in Nevada. Think about who is most likely to hire house cleaners. This could be owners of high-end homes but may also be busy middle-class professionals who are short on time. 

They can be renters, homeowners, any gender, any race, and any age. The key indicator is that they have enough discretionary income to afford professional house cleaning. This is the start of learning about the market, so go to a busy place and ask people if they will help you by answering some questions. Try to craft the questions without leading the respondent to a yes or no answer. The idea is to really engage with potential customers to learn how they deal with cleaning the house at the present time and what issues they have. One of the questions should be “Would you pay for someone to clean your house if they were efficient and you knew they were not thieves?” If someone answers “Yes”, the next question is “What would you pay for this service?” followed by “Do you pay for a service now?” and “How much do you pay?” and finally “In a perfect world, what would you change about your present service that would make it worth paying more for?” The answers to these questions enable the crafting of a good value proposition. If the answers do not prove the need for the service and the willingness of customers to pay, the entrepreneur should consider pursuing their next great idea.

Value Proposition vs. Pricing

Determining where your offering sits in regard to value and the rest of the market is one of the more important tasks to be done in anticipating product market fit. The Value proposition explains to your target market members how your widget is the best option available and why a consumer should pick yours over the competition’s widget. This can be an intrinsic value that is intangible. The intrinsic value of the cleaning service is that it frees up a customer’s valuable time to pursue other tasks, while not taking too much time to complete.

The customer’s newly found free time is a direct understandable benefit, while the cleaning being done quickly ensures that the customer’s life is interrupted only briefly. Determining pricing can be done with the aforementioned customer validation questions. If the choice is to target only high-end households, a higher fee may make sense because the time that goes with their higher salary is worth more. Conversely, someone with a smaller living space or with a lower income might balk at a premium price tag. The higher-end households represent higher earnings, but you might have fewer customers. Conversely, there are more middle class customers, so they represent a larger market potential—even though the per-booking fee is lower. Determining which is the ideal customer will dictate which value proposition is pursued first.

A Clearly-Defined Feature Set

This piggybacks off of the value proposition. Your feature set should reinforce what people will receive in exchange for hiring your cleaning service. This would be a clear outline of what consumers will be paying for. What tasks are included in your bookings? Are there multiple tiers for bookings, and if so what are the minimum tasks that you provide in the lowest tier?

Feature sets can also refer to perks. Maybe you decide to throw in a free deep cleaning for every fifth booking. Or, you offer a half-price cleaning service on select days or an alternative rewards program.

A Positive User Experience

This feature is critical once you’ve launched your widget. Don’t expect consumers to spend their hard-earned money on a subpar experience. You might fool a customer once, but if your staff steals valuables, destroys items around the home, or does a half-hearted cleaning job, don’t expect repeat bookings. In the early days, find an unscalable extra task that will delight your customer, such as leaving a fresh flower after the cleaning.

Seek Feedback

As a business, you can preemptively research only for so long before you have to go ahead and launch. At some point, you need to discover the fruits of your labor. Another way to determine product-market fit is to gather feedback from your consumers or focus groups. Repeat complaints on specific aspects are signs that you need to make adjustments to improve your product-market fit.

Be Prepared to Pivot

“Pivot” isn’t a dirty word in the startup world. Sometimes it’s necessary to help the business thrive when it would otherwise fail. When shortcomings are discovered that stall or negatively affect sales, the best thing to do is talk to customers (again) and implement changes that prevail among the customer’s feedback.

Don’t allow ego to prevent making adjustments that could help create a winning business model. As a startup, it is hard to determine when the startup has achieved product-market fit. Hallmarks of product market fit are having so many referrals that it is hard to keep up with production or orders. When sales are coming in from word of mouth, sales are growing exponentially, and all the employees are scrambling, that’s a good indication of product market fit. But don’t stop there, keep talking to customers to keep them delighted. Remember, understanding product market fit and positioning the company appropriately is only the beginning.

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